Processes & Techniques

Ci: Creative Intelligence delivers development programmes using processes and techniques from the world of the arts because they work. The arts engage individuals on all levels - emotional, physical and intellectual - and learning is sustained when it can be connected on all three levels.

1. Rehearsal

Many of the key behaviours in business today are ones which the arts world has learnt to develop over centuries. Drawing high class performance out of individuals and teams is exactly what a director does in rehearsal with actors; coming across to others - clients, staff, colleagues, customers - in a powerful and impressive way is precisely the skill of the actor; understanding and influencing other people's emotions and attitudes - these are the core of the performing arts. And learning how to refine a performance through rehearsal is a process that all good development courses should offer. Work - and life - can have a rehearsal.

2. Communication

Much of our work involves helping people with their communication skills - giving a presentation, inspiring a team, giving and receiving feedback, telling someone their performance is not up to scratch, influencing others to come round to a way of thinking, negotiating a sale, dealing with customers, articulating a vision and so on. The arts, particularly the performing arts, are all about such communication which is why we have so much to offer people in business.

3. Metaphor

Sometimes we use art as a metaphor, to tell a story or to get participants on a course to work with a story which may not initially seem directly related to their work situation. But we always make sure that by the end of the programme, they have realised how the attitudes and behaviours they have explored on their metaphorical journey can apply just as powerfully to their day-to-day work.

4. Paradox

Because the arts embrace paradoxes rather than fighting them, they are an ideal way to grapple with the unpredictability that besets organisations. The arts are about discipline and flexibility, creativity and practicality, action and perception, change and stability, individualism and teamwork, leadership and followership - the list goes on. Finding the balancing act between these seemingly irreconcilable opposites is a key challenge facing all organisations today.

5. Learning styles

Although most of our work is experiential, encouraging participants to "get up and do" rather than sit and talk, we pride ourselves on catering to all learning styles. Courses are well suited to activist learners, but we always put our programmes into a framework of well-tested theory and we allow plenty of opportunity for people to reflect upon their experiences and digest their learning. Crucially, too, we make clear connections between the skills learnt on the courses and their applicability back at the office, particularly when the course has been following a metaphorical journey.